Could This Photo Prove Khal Drogo Is Returning To Game Of Thrones


Khal Drogo had one of the shortest major character life spans on Game of Thrones, but that didn’t stop him from being one of the most beloved.

The kick-ass Dothraki warlord was killed off way back in season one, but he definitely hasn’t been forgotten by his legion of fans – and they just got a pretty big surprise.

That may just seem like a normal Instagram photo from Khal Drogo actor Jason Mamoa, but to the trained GoT eye, that’s Jason Mamoa having a beer with GoT showrunners David Benioff and D.B Weiss in Ireland – where they’re filming.

Most of GoT’s filming takes place in a studio in Belfast, so the photo has given pretty much every Khal Drogo fan a reason to believe he may be making a return in the show’s seventh season.

How they’re actually going to bring Khal Drogo back is a whole different story considering he was burnt to ashes. If he does come back, it will probably be in a similar manner to when he came to Daenerys during her vision in the House of the Undying.

But, if Mamoa’s photos are anything to go by, he may have just been in Ireland to visit the Guinness factory. Which would be disappointing.

So far, neither Momoa nor the showrunners have responded.

So that means there’s still hope, right?