Daenerys Has Got A Massive Surprise Coming In GoT


Warning: GoT spoilers ahead


Winter is coming, and so are more Game of Thrones season seven spoilers.

Photos and videos from the HBO drama’s sets in Spain have been leaking for a couple of weeks now, and after having already confirmed a much anticipated meeting between arguably the two most influential characters going into season seven (Spoiler: it’s Dany and Jon), they’ve dropped not one more reunion on us – but two.

New production images spoil the meeting of two characters who last saw each other in the pilot, and two others that will surely hit us right in the feels.

Enter Jon Snow and Theon Greyjoy, and Daenerys and Jorah Mormont.

Yup – there are a lot of emotional reunions coming our way in Game of Thrones.

While the show is all pretty grim and violent, there’s the occasional happier moment, and it looks like season seven will almost definitely have one of those Jorah, who we last saw in a particularly tight spot, appears to be doing a little better.

The last time we saw them together, Dany sent Ser Jorah off to find a cure for the growing greyscale on his skin, so it looks like he might have done just that after all.

But they won’t all be hugs and smiles – a video leaked on Facebook shows that Jon Snow isn’t too pleased to see Theon again.

Juego de TronosPor fin!! Aquí tenéis el desembarco de la tripulación y el recibimiento del… #JuegodeTronos

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Posted by Agroturismo Santa Klara Nekazaletxea on Tuesday, October 25, 2016

If you’re thinking, ‘that’s all great, but where the fuck is Gendry?’ look no further.

It looks like he’s rowed himself straight into the mega family reunion.


Let’s be honest – I think we’re all more excited about Gendry’s return than anything else.

The new season will be airing sometime next summer, but if you just can’t wait that long, the entire plot of the seventh season has leaked online.