Disney Announces Night At The Museum And Home Alone Reboots

Disney announce Home Alone remake20th Century Fox

Disney has announced they’re planning reboots of Night at the Museum and Home Alone for their upcoming streaming service Disney+. 

Disney chief Bob Iger seemingly confirmed there would be a ‘reimagination’ of a handful of franchises on Disney’s Q3 Earnings Call last night (August 6).

Iger mentioned three franchises in particular; Night at the Museum, Home Alone and Diary of a Wimpy Kid.

The remakes will be created for ‘a new generation’, though kids nowadays might have some trouble understanding how Kevin’s family managed to leave him behind when he could just text them to inform them of their mishap.

It’s unclear how Disney will make Home Alone work in this modern world. Nowadays, Kevin would probably document his antics on Instagram and it would be much easier for him to convince the police his house was being invaded when he could just film The Wet Bandits in the act and share it on Twitter.

Some film fans have taken to social media to protest the remakes and admittedly it is hard to imagine anyone other than Macaulay Culkin taking on the two con men, plus Night at the Museum and Diary of a Wimpy Kid aren’t even that old  – though maybe that’s just me being in denial about how old I am.

However, as technology has come on in leaps and bounds in recent years just think how much more impressive the stunts and special effects could be in the remakes. The walking and talking historical artefacts in Night at the Museum will be more convincing than ever.

Of course, that’s not to say seeing Marv’s skeleton as he got electrocuted in Home Alone wasn’t impressive first time around but they really have the chance to step things up a notch here.

As well as providing a whole host of rebooted content for younger fans, Disney+ will also be home to original content from both the Star Wars and Marvel franchises.

Comicbook report Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige previously said the studio will have an ’embarrassment of riches’ on the platform so even if you’re not on board with the idea of a new Home Alone there’s sure to be something on the streaming service to keep you entertained.

It will be interesting to see how the ‘reimaginations’ turn out!

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