Donald Trump Responds To Being Cut Out Of Home Alone 2

Donald Trump Responds To Being Cut Out Of Home Alone 2PA/20th Century Fox

In my opinion, Home Alone 2 is even better than the original, with the striking setting of New York at Christmas providing the perfect backdrop for Kevin’s adorable yet often horrifyingly violent antics.

From the mesmerisingly festive Duncan’s Toy Chest to the pigeon lady’s mysterious Carnegie Hall attic, this is a film stuffed with memorable places. Admittedly, it’s one of those films that has long coloured my own ideas of what it might feel like to visit New York for the very first time.

And, as many will surely know, the location at the centre of the action is the opulent Plaza Hotel, a luxury destination once owned by none other than President Donald Trump.

Trump Home Alone 220th Century Fox

At the time of filming in 1992, Trump was still a businessman, who was also known for making the occasional movie cameo.

And nobody watching the festive high jinks unfold at the time could have guessed the celeb pointing Kevin in the direction of the lobby would one day be sitting in the White House.

The 10-second exchange between Trump and Kevin has become one of the most famous bits in the film, causing a collective bemused headshake and a ‘can you believe that’s actually him?’ during every annual rewatch.

This year, the scene has been discussed more than ever, after eagle-eyed Christmas film lovers in Canada twigged it had been cut out altogether.

Remind yourself of the short yet surreal scene for yourself below:

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) recently aired the film with Trump’s big, finger-pointing moment having completely vanished, and people were quick to wonder whether or not the omission was politically motivated.

However, as reported by BBC News, CBC spokesperson Chuck Thompson has explained the decision to cut the scene was made in 2014, before Trump set foot in the White House.

Eight minutes were reportedly trimmed from the 120-minute movie to fit commercials in, and there had been no political motivations behind the edit.

Trump ImpeachmentPA Images

Trump appeared to respond to being chucked from the Canadian edit in a jokey way, tweeting:

The movie will never be the same! (just kidding)

However, he also used the opportunity to take a dig at Canadian President Justin Trudeau:

I guess Justin T doesn’t much like my making him pay up on NATO or Trade!

Speaking about his brief cameo during a video conference call with US troops on Christmas Eve, Trump made the following comments as per Deadline:

A lot of people mention it every year, especially around Christmas. They say – especially young kids – they say, ‘I just saw you on the movie’. They don’t see me on television as they do in the movie.

But it’s been a good movie and I was a little bit younger, to put it mildly. And it was an honor to do it.

As well as Home Alone 2, Trump has also played himself in films such as Zoolander, Two Weeks Notice and Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps.

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