Wubbalubbadubdub folks! Rick and Morty season three might well be over but that doesn’t stop us all enjoying it over and over on Netflix.
And it seems we’re not the only people who love getting all bogged down in the meaninglessness of existence and the clever use of theoretical physics in everyone’s favourite cartoon.
That’s because Elon Musk, probably the closest person we have to a real-life Rick, has just fanboyed over Rick and Morty on Twitter and it just feels amazing.
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It makes sense that Elon Musk and the creators of Rick and Morty would share some kind of affinity for each other, considering they’ve both discussed the singularity in the past.
The singularity is a point in time in which artificial intelligence will overtake the intellectual abilities of humanity, and at that point we’re all basically doomed.
Musk tweeted the Rick and Morty Twitter account telling them how good the final episode of the season was, saying it was ‘disgustingly good’, and it kind of blossomed from there.
Final episode was disgustingly good
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) October 5, 2017
Whoever runs the Rick and Morty account replied to the compliment with aplomb.
They said:
Thanks, E. Just riding this out until the singularity hits, you know?
Obviously, Musk can’t be outdone on witty comments that prove his intelligence, so he made full use of his newly allocated 280 characters to go further into the singularity rabbit hole.
Thanks, E. Just riding this out until the singularity hits, you know?
— Rick (((and Morty))) (@RickandMorty) October 5, 2017
He replied:
The singularity for this level of the simulation is coming soon. I wonder what the levels above us look like.
Good chance they are less interesting and deeper levels are better. So far, even our primitive sims are often more entertaining than reality itself.
At this point, everyone could see where this was going and it became the best interaction ever:
The singularity for this level of the simulation is coming soon. I wonder what the levels above us look like.
Good chance they are less interesting and deeper levels are better. So far, even our primitive sims are often more entertaining than reality itself.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) October 5, 2017
The guys behind the Rick and Morty Twitter account must have been running around their office coming up with a suitably clever response, which they obviously did because it’s Rick and Morty.
They replied:
I hope they don’t change developers for the next one – I’m used to the physics in this reality.
Things from this point just take a weird turn and it’s all a bit weird, they somehow end up talking about Kurt Cobain and Pablo Escobar…
I hope they don’t change developers for the next one- I’m used to the physics in this reality.
— Rick (((and Morty))) (@RickandMorty) October 5, 2017
Musk tweeted:
I know that closet is nice and warm, but it’s time you admitted you are one of the creators of the next one. Everyone already knows and we will still love you just as much (almost).
Great, so now Musk is confirming that we’re definitely living in a simulation, and the next one will be created by Rick.
Rick and Morty is known for their darkly existential musings on the nihilistic nature of the universe, and this conversation just serves to remind us that we cannot trust anything but our own existence.
I know that closet is nice and warm, but it's time you admitted you are one of the creators of the next one. Everyone already knows and we will still love you just as much (almost).
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) October 5, 2017
This Cartesian level of doubt doesn’t stop the great and the good from having a good old Twitter convo, though.
Adult Swim replied:
I’ll get you a key for next life’s beta so you can get a head start like last time.
That explains everything, Musk had a head start in life thanks to a beta trial, that’s how he’s so god damn good at everything!
I’ll get you a key for next life’s beta so you can get a head start like last time.
— Rick (((and Morty))) (@RickandMorty) October 5, 2017
After this, Musk tweeted everyone’s thoughts, saying the two should probably get a room.
Not to be outdone (and probably wanting to milk this advertising opportunity for all it’s worth), ‘Rick’ replied straight away.
He said:
I’ll call Kurzweil, you call Frey – we can plan the next couple hundred years and get fucked up. Hawking might be down too.
I’ll call Kurzweil, you call Frey – we can plan the next couple hundred years and get fucked up. Hawking might be down too.
— Rick (((and Morty))) (@RickandMorty) October 5, 2017
And here comes the frankly bizarre twist ending with the references to Escobar and Cobain.
Musk tweeted:
Hell yeah, with that crew, we will party like Escobar and Cobain wish they could’ve partied!!
Hell yeah, with that crew, we will party like Escobar and Cobain wish they could've partied!!
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) October 5, 2017
Weird, but we’re sure Rick would approve.