Elsa Reportedly Getting A Girlfriend In Frozen 3

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It feels like an (ice) age since we last had the pleasure of belting out some extra large tunes with Olaf, Anna, Elsa and the rest of the Frozen gang, but good news – they’re back this year.

The first Frozen film was released all the way back in 2013, when Trump, Boris and climate change were just tiny blips on the radar and not the huge threats to humanity they are now.

Thankfully, to ease us in the winter months, we’ve got Frozen 2 to remind us what winter should be like, and not the worryingly warm one it’ll probably be for most of us.


You can watch the trailer for it here:

But because we’re young millennials with the attention span of a gnat, we’re already eager to know more about the next film – the third instalment, Frozen‘s Return of the Jedi, its Return of the King, its Alien 3, its Prisoner of Azkaban, its Die Hard with a Vengeance. The third one. Frozen with a Vengeance, presumably.

In the time since the first instalment, Queen Elsa of Arendelle – the one with the power to shoot ice out of her hands and let it go/let it snow – has become something of an LGBTQ icon thanks to the relatable themes of her storyline.

Since the news of the sequel, fans have been hoping Elsa will be getting a girlfriend in the upcoming film.


Check out the second trailer here:

Unfortunately, it seems we’re not going to see such a relationship blossom just yet. However, according to sources close to the project, Disney have suggested the third film, Frozen Beyond Thunderdome (again, presumably) will involve the highly-anticipated meeting between Elsa and a female love interest.


According to We Got This Covered, the same sources who first revealed there would be an Aladdin sequel, which was later confirmed, said Disney wanted to introduce the love interest in the sequel but were worried some countries would end up banning it because of the LGBTQ angle. Instead, it’s rumoured to be happening in the threequel.

While the studio are still keeping schtum about the third film, it seems it’s already in the pipeline. However, with six years between the first two, don’t hold your breath for the Frozen: The Dark Knight Rises just yet.

Instead, Frozen 2 is said to explore Elsa’s origins, introducing a new magical kingdom in the process.

Frozen 2 will be released in UK cinemas on November 22.

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