Emilia Clarke Shares Proof Kit Harington Is A Targaryen

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Possible Game of Thrones Spoilers – White Walk Ahead With Caution


Hold on to your hats, or your newly fashioned IKEA rug-cloak, because Emilia Clarke – AKA the Mother of Dragons – has revealed proof Kit Harrington is a Targaryen.


That’s right, Kit’s got dragon blood, not just his alter ego the King of the North, Jon Snow.

The recent scene of Jon petting Drogon like he was a mere little doggo was just a build up to this real life twist which could’ve come from the pages of The Winds of Winter.


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Emilia posted the evidence on her Instagram account:

The dragons we see on screen in the latest series are obviously CGI graphics, but this video shows that at least one of the mythical beasts in Westeros is as alive and kicking as the rest of the human, and post-human, cast.


We’re holding out for Emilia Clarke‘s next post where she shows Kit riding a dire wolf.