First Dates Girl Crushed By Guy’s Reason For Not Going Out Again

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Channel 4

There are a few golden rules to dating while not being a terrible person, and this includes not going on and on about why you don’t want to see the other person again – to their face and in front of TV cameras.


If you aren’t feeling the other person’s vibe – for whatever reason – then it’s always best to keep the rejection short, simple and amicable. It’s a cruel enough world as it is without knocking another person’s self esteem for no good reason.

Clearly nobody has ever related this pearl of dating wisdom to a recent First Dates Hotel contestant, who couldn’t stop talking about his date’s (fairly natural) make-up…

Channel 4

When interviewed about how their date went, it was clear neither of the pair were feeling it, which was completely fine. It’s pretty rare after all to find somebody you completely click with.


However, the guy couldn’t just leave it at that. For some reason (nerves?) he explained in unnecessary detail how he didn’t want to see his date again because she was wearing too much make up:

Errr… For all the right reasons, and I thought we had a great date, honestly I did, I thought it was the best.

I even said, ‘line up any girl and I’d rather go on a date with you’, but I just didn’t feel that spark. I felt like it was more of a mate-date.

I don’t normally go for girls who have got makeup and stuff. We’re talking honestly, aren’t we? It’s not a bad thing, because you look great with your makeup.

It’s just a personal preference of mine, because you look great in your makeup. I just don’t want it all over my face.

Check out the full awkward encounter below:

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There’s a horrifying moment where it seems he is just going to carry on blasting this girl’s makeup forever, before she interrupts him with polite yet firm, ‘no it’s fine, you can stop’.

Admirably, she’s able to keep things chilled as they say their final goodbyes.


However, once she steps out to the poolside, she confides the uncomfortable experience to another First Dates couple, and is visibly offended:


Yeah, mine didn’t go as good, to be honest.

He like fully burned me out. His feedback was pretty brutal. He told me that I wear too much makeup and it wasn’t for him and he didn’t want it on his face.

Channel 4

Of course, we can’t judge this guy too harshly. It’s always a bit awkward knowing how to explain why a person isn’t the one for you and maybe he thought he was balancing out the criticism with compliments.


However, its always best to steer clear of talking negatively about a person’s looks, whether you want to date them or not.

We’re not expecting them to kiss and make up.