Game of Thrones probably goes through an awful lot of actors, with the number of side character deaths and epic battle scenes.
Some of those side characters really got their moment to shine, especially with the more brutal deaths sticking out in the mind.
Well it seems season eight is going to be no different, as the casting call is out for people to presumably kill in the most brutal of ways.
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The casting call has been reported by Watchers on the Wall, who have brought us many a reliable story in the past.
They report the good folks over at HBO are on the look out for a girl and a boy.
More specifically, they’re looking for a Northern Girl, who must be aged around eight.
The casting states the role is a ‘very nice stand-out part for a strong minded young girl with a fighting spirit.’

Remind you of anyone? Sounds awfully like Lyanna Mormont so if you know anyone who has the strong and fiery nature and a good Northern accent, then sign her up.
Filming for the role begins on November 17, so she would have to be free around then.
The next role which has been put out to the public is quite simply ‘Boy’.

The character again is quite young, between 8-12 years old, and must be physically fit.
The character comes from a poor background, which could mean anything in the Game of Thrones world but it seems unlikely they’d introduce a throwaway character at this point with so little time left.
It’s probably more likely to be a flashback of an already established character, something to do with someone’s ancestry.

The casting brief also states the actor needs to ‘completely own the scenes that he appears in’.
It does sound like he’s a lot more important than just a new minor character and they need to appear in more than one scene.
The shooting dates for this role are the last week of November and the last week of December, so it’s entirely possible this character could be showing up in two completely different places given the gap in-between shoots.

Obviously at this point, who the characters are is just speculation, but it’s the perfect way to while away the time until the next season arrives.
It’s still so far away…