Warning: Spoilers for Game of Thrones ahead!

It’s here, the name of the final episode of Game of Thrones is here, and it absolutely does not disappoint.
We can gleefully report that the final episode of Game of Thrones season 7 will be titled The Dragon and the Wolf.\
I’m so excited. This titled could mean so many things.
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But let’s face it, the meaning behind it is surely the joining of Daenerys and Jon as a team to be reckoned with.
Just how much they ‘join’ depends on how much alone time they get together, but it seems like they’ll be a bit busy trying to arrange the biggest war in Westeros to have their own little Song of Ice and Fire.
We’ve been getting hints that the two are going to make a power couple that could rival Jaime and Cersei, and by power couple I mean weird couple.

Another meaning of the title could refer to the all-but-confirmed R+L=J theory, and the symbolic merging of Targaryen and Stark blood in Jon Snow.
Could we finally be seeing Jon learn of his true parentage?
This would have big ramifications in the universe, as it would throw off Daenerys’ claim to the throne, and would also confirm a number of fan theories.
Not least the prophecy about the Three Headed Dragon, which also got a chilling new twist in episode six.

It’s only Tuesday, and quite frankly a week feels too far away to even maintain this level of excitement, but damn it, I’m gonna.
Monday really cannot come soon enough.