Game Of Thrones Producers Reveal What To Expect In Show’s Future

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Spoilers for Season Six of Game of Thrones!


Game of Thrones Season Six came to an explosive and bloody conclusion Monday night and fans have already begun speculating what’s next for the hit show.

Now showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss have revealed what viewers can expect in the future and it seems that there are dark days ahead for Westeros.


In an interview with Deadline Benioff and Weiss confirmed what we all already knew, that despite Ramsay and Walder being dead Westeros’ real struggle is about to begin with the coming of the sinister Night’s King.

However they explained that he’s not going to be like cruel Joffrey or sadistic Ramsey and is more of a force of nature than a man.

Weiss said:

I don’t think of the Night King as a villain as much as, Death. He is not like Joffrey, or Ramsey. He’s not really human anymore. To me, evil comes when you have a choice between that and good, and you choose the wrong way.

The Night King doesn’t have a choice; he was created that way, and that’s what he is. In some ways, he’s just death, coming for everyone in the story, coming for all of us.

The two producers also teased that despite the reveal of The Wall blocking undead from crossing,  the Night’s King has resources beyond belief and they warn that if the Wildlings can make it over then the lord of the undead and his army may be able to as well.


As for the remaining living threats, Beinoff claims that Tommen’s suicide has killed what remained of Cersei’s heart and that the new Queen of Westeros will be a changed person.

Weiss added:

While Cersei has certainly done a lot of horrible things in her life and she could be a very cruel person, the one thing that was redemptive about her was that she genuinely loved her children.

Now they’re all gone, and I think that is very interesting for us. Who is she without her children? The answer is something you’ll find out next season. That’s so much of what is to come that I’ll just give it away if I start delving into it now.

While they didn’t mention what’s going to happen with Deanery’s plot they did hint that the Queen of Thorns, who’s now grieving for her lost family, may seek revenge on Cersei and in the final shot we did see that House Tyrell seemed to be in league with the Mother of Dragons.


The pair finished by saying that they’ve got a very specific end game in mind for the show and they’ve been focusing on delivering it since the show went ‘off book’.

There won’t be any Thrones for awhile now but we’re already getting impatient for the next season!