There Is A Sneaky Way To Legally Avoid Paying Your TV License Fee

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Ever wanted to get around tricky TV licensing laws? Well look no further. 

Despite the license fee funding one of the most renowned broadcasters in the world – one we should be very proud of – some people think it’s unfair that they have to pay to watch live telly.

So how can you get round paying the license fee? Well all you have to do is not watch or record live TV and stay off the BBC iPlayer and you don’t have to pay, it’s really that simple.

Via Flickr by James Cridland

This means that you can still enjoy the streaming efforts of sub-par British broadcaster ITV and actual good on demand programmes available on Now TV and All4.


You also don’t need a license to watch Netflix or Amazon Instant Video but you do have to pay a fee to watch them, almost like you’re licensing the content.

A spokeswoman from TV Licensing told the Mirror Online:

Whatever device you are using and however you’re watching, you need to be licensed to watch programmes at the same time as they are shown on TV, or live on an online TV service.

Fewer than two per cent of households only watch catch-up TV so don’t need a licence.

You do however need a TV license to use BBC iPlayer thanks to a change in the law made in September.
Changes were recently made to sentencing guideline concerning TV licenses which means that offenders could be let off with little more than a slap on the wrist.

And soon magistrates will be able to let them off with a conditional discharge without even fining offenders, nor will it count as a criminal conviction.


To be completely honest though I don’t get the complaints about the TV license, it finances the Beeb and means that other channels have to actually try to compete. SO if you think ITV’s bad now, and it is, then imagine how bad it would be if they weren’t trying…