Here’s What Young Snape From Harry Potter Looks Like Now

harry-potter-21Warner Bros

Sad little Severus Snape from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 was a small but iconic part.

It’s a role only the best of the best can play. And Benedict Clarke happened to be it.

He had the dark, at the top of a slippery slope down to loneliness look going on that it took to play the role that revealed perhaps the most important revelation in the whole Potter series.

For those who need a reminder (spoiler alert), Clarke played teenage Snape in a flashback that revealed the professor’s true motivations throughout the eight films: a lifelong love of Harry’s mum, Lily.

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But that’s not why fans are going crazy over him.

As it turns out, the kids from the Harry Potter films have gotten older and become adults. So if wowing friends with photos of grown-up Matthew Lewis aka Neville Longbottom has lost its once magical touch, it’s time to meet Benedict Clarke.

This is what he looks like now:

America, it's been real. Xoxo

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Here I am in #Portland with all my friends!

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It appears we have another case of puberty done right.

Clarke is now 19, and according to Entertainment Weekly, he’s only appeared in three other short films: Awkward Facades, In The Wake Of Sirens and Andys.

But going by his Instagram, it appears photography may be his real passion.

Taking a look at Emma Watson, Matthew Lewis, and now Benedict Clarke, it seems like the child actors of Harry Potter all grew up with pretty great genes.