Jeremy Kyle Guest Reveals Degrading Way He Checks If Girlfriend Cheated

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The Jeremy Kyle Show always features drama but an episode earlier this week took things to a whole new level.

Jamie appeared on the talk show on Tuesday (April 24) sinking to shocking new lows revealing the degrading actions he performs on his partner to check she hasn’t cheated on him to a shocked audience.

The paranoid 28-year-old was convinced his girlfriend of 15 months, 45-year-old Kat, had been sleeping with other men behind his back.

guest reveals degrading way check girlfriend cheated jeremy kyle showITV

And as the two confronted each other about the allegations, the audience was left horrified when Kat said Jamie puts his hands down her trousers to check if she has cheated.

She said:

You are paranoid! Why do you put your hands down my trousers to see if I’ve cheated?

Why do you do that? Why do you do that?

That is degrading to a woman. You show no respect to me. And like an idiot I let you do it so we don’t argue.

But that’s wrong. Ask any woman in this audience if they would allow a male to put their hand down their knickers to see if she cheated.

What woman’s hand went up?

The audience of course let out squeals of shock as Kat fumed at a protesting Jamie.

guest reveals degrading way check girlfriend cheated jeremy kyle showITV

Even 52-year-old presenter Jeremy, who you would have thought had seen everything by now, looked completely disgusted.

He questioned Jamie:

What are you looking for? Is this a regular thing? Why would you put her hands down her knickers?

The guest didn’t really have much of an answer though at first saying ‘nothing’ before stating ‘because we’re sexual partners, why wouldn’t you?’.

Well because it is completely degrading Jamie!

guest reveals degrading way check girlfriend cheated jeremy kyle showITV

Adamantly denying Jamie’s claims she had cheated on him, Kat said she was happy to take a lie detector test saying her partner is just paranoid.

Of course he insisted otherwise but soon got very, very defensive when host Jeremy implied he had ‘something to hide’.

And when Kat’s lie detector test revealed she was telling the truth, Jamie repeatedly refused to do one leaving us doubting him.

You can watch all the drama kick off here:

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Things took a strange turn though when Jamie got down on one knee proposing to Kat when he found out the results of the test.

He said:

I am going to make it up to her. We have done the engagement but I had no ring to actually put on her finger.

Love ya, loads. Will ya marry me?

Oh how romantic! He even started to put it on the wrong finger of course too!

proposal guest reveals degrading way check girlfriend cheated jeremy kyle showITV

Although Kat did accept his ring, which ended up being too small for her finger, she did tell Jamie he had to change his ways.

Watching from next to them, Jeremy looked as stunned as we did even throwing a cushion at Jamie calling him an ‘idiot’.

We wish them all the best with their marriage of course!

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