It’s simply an understatement to say that the world of politics is at its most terrifying exciting time in recent history.
In Britain we’re flying at 100mph tits first towards Brexit and we’re being led by an unelected leader who didn’t support the idea to leave the EU and now claims she cannot sleep at night due to thinking about it, reports UPROXX.
Over the channel and there’s the presidential election taking place in France. Francois Hollande has announced he wont be running and there’s fears and titillation that Front National may squeeze their way to victory, thus pushing for France to also leave the EU – potentially breaking up the Union as we know it.

Across the pond and stateside, the world is still coming to terms with the fact that The Donald is adjusting the chairs of the Oval Office to seat his plump orange arse.
And there’s a tasty nuclear cherry to top it all off with rumours of Cold War 2 on the murky apocalyptic horizon only furthered by Putin continuing to grease the palms of Assad over in Syria by dropping countless barrel bombs on the civilians and anti-government rebels in Aleppo all in order to keep up his good relationship (and nearby naval base).

As I’m sure you all know this is just the surface of the political climate across the globe – but even as an outsider looking in, there’s a lot going on.
Because the world is now pretty much entirely based on the Internet, people who have a lot to say about these incredibly important issues are celebrities. Actors, musicians, reality stars – they all vent their opinions on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
But you know who’s not happy about it? Marky Mark Wahlberg’s not happy about it.
In a recent interview with veteran oriented magazine Task and Purpose, Wahlberg said:
A lot of celebrities did, do, and shouldn’t [talk about politics]. You know, it just goes to show you that people aren’t listening to that anyway. They might buy your CD or watch your movie, but you don’t put food on their table. You don’t pay their bills. A lot of Hollywood is living in a bubble. They’re pretty out of touch with the common person, the everyday guy out there providing for their family.
Me, I’m very aware of the real world. I come from the real world and I exist in the real world. And although I can navigate Hollywood and I love the business and the opportunities it’s afforded me, I also understand what it’s like not to have all that.
He certainly makes an interesting point – but then again, you can’t just censor what people want to say…
Shots fired Marky Mark.