Geordie Shore’s Marnie Simpson has revealed how her botched boob job left her looking like she ‘had been attacked by an animal’.
Before appearing on Channel 5’s ‘Celebrity Botched Up Bodies’ next Sunday, the ex CBB housemate explained that being in the media spotlight made her more insecure, prompting the boob lift and nipple alteration.
However, Marnie did not anticipate the awful scarring and ‘deep gashes’ the surgery would leave behind, the Daily Star reports.

Marnie said:
I had big wounds which were oozing. They were oozing green pus. They were really deep gashes, it looked like I had been attacked by an animal.
She went on to say:
I was really confident and liked myself more before Geordie Shore. Being on TV put pressure on to look good…It made me feel so insecure.
It is such a shallow industry that you compare yourself to everybody else. The criticism and the grief you get from people is so awful.
It was just every little thing that I wasn’t happy with.
Marnie has also had a nose job, lip fillers and botox and says that the corrective surgery has left her feeling much happier with her body.
As long as she’s happy, that’s all that matters.