Mischa Barton has a good life – but that doesn’t stop her from plunging face first into a media shitstorm every now and again.
Just last week, following the horrific killings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, Mischa decided she had to speak out.
Posting on Instagram, the English American actress posted a picture of herself clad in a black bikini, leaning against the back of her yacht, reports Death and Taxes.
She was drinking a glass of wine and staring thoughtfully at the glass as if wondering if it was about time to refill the old boy once again or to wait another minute or two.

It made for a nice picture – but the caption alongside it just seemed massively out of place.
She wrote:
This may have been going on forever in the United States but thank god the pigs get caught on camera now. Its unthinkable and an embarrassment to America. The country I was brought up in.
Somebody make change. We need gun control and unity. And a real President so think about that when this election is around the corner. The world is a precarious place right now. #stop #reflect and #act appropriately.
Great message – hands down. Not so great accompanying picture.
And because it’s 2016 and the Internet is a festerous cesspit, the world reacted pretty strongly, calling the image and caption misguided, informed, and insensitive.
She quickly deleted the snap.
But how did the actress really respond? Easy. She whipped off her shirt and sat on the edge of a balcony in Greece smoking a cigarette – glancing at the camera as if she had no idea the picture was being taken – oh what a fitting coincidence.
Island vibes ?? #Mykonos #Censored
A photo posted by Mischa Barton (@mischamazing) on
Judging from the comments – the world seems to have forgiven her.
I guess that’s one way to end an argument.