George RR Martin fans rejoice – the release date of Winds of Winter has accidentally been revealed by Amazon.
For those of you who’ve been living under a very heavy and soundproof rock for the last five years, Winds of Winter is the sixth book in George RR Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series which inspired the TV behemoth Game of Thrones.

Fans of the books have been waiting for Winds of Winter to be released since 2011, during which time HBO has managed to release six whole seasons of the TV show, making George RR Martin’s writing feel slower than a Westerosi summer.
Many would argue Martin’s ‘measured pace’ is part of the charm – but those people need to check out the Wikipedia page on Stockholm syndrome.
But now Amazon France‘s cock up has accidentally published a release date of March 2017:

Needless to say, there will no doubt be quite a lot of excitement, especially because the book will be out before Game of Thrones’ season seven Summer 2017 date.
Technically, the book will cover events we’ve already seen in the last TV series, because unusually the TV show has overtaken the books that inspired it.

However, the TV show has been steadily diverging from the book’s trajectory for a couple of seasons now so there will almost certainly be some surprises and upsets in Winds of Winter.
As someone who has eagerly followed both the books and the show, I’m very excited to know that it’s just a few months until my next journey into the world of Westeros.