Some people really do hear what they want to hear – especially if it includes Emma Watson and Margot Robbie appearing as lesbians in a film together.
Satirical news site The Portly Gazelle actually keeps crashing because so many of you are foaming at the mouth over the idea of a Brokeback Mountain remake featuring the two actresses.
Despite the professional font and logo, the website actually uses the disclaimer:
All stories on this site are satire and the opinions expressed to not belong to any real people. If persons appear in the picture they have nothing to do with the story.
To make you feel better for getting all excited about Hermione Granger and Harley Quinn getting it on, here are a load of people on Twitter who fell for it too…
Is this film really necessary? :/ #filmmaking #filmmakers #actorslife #brokeback2
— John Wee (@LuckyStudio13) August 22, 2016
Why cant woman have new stories? It feels like women dominated films are all just remakes of films about men?! #brokeback2 #dissapointed
— Sarah Best (@littlebear_019) August 23, 2016
As usual, I'm not opposed IN PRINCIPAL to #Brokeback2, but I absolutely get why people will roll their eyes. The concept sounds like a…
— Trilbee (@TrilbeeReviews) August 23, 2016
Maybe ignorance really is bliss…
Wait.. #brokeback2 starring @EmWatson and @MargotRobbie ?! For real ?! That would be awesome!!!!! *starting to prepare popcorn and nachos*
— Lany (@TheOneMrsBriefs) August 23, 2016
They're remaking Brokeback Mountain into a lesbian version??! ?with #MargotRobbie & #EmmaWatson ??I DID NOT see that coming ???? #Brokeback2
— Eden Singer (@edensinger) August 22, 2016
I'm actually pretty interested in the idea of having Emma Watson and Margot Robbie in the remake of Brokeback Mountain. #Brokeback2
— ʘ THE LETDOWN ʘ (@XdontjumpX) August 23, 2016
Lesbian Brokeback Mountain remake starring Margot Robbie and Emma Watson confirmed for 2017 #brokeback2 #omg
— Riza (@mommyice) August 22, 2016
Takes this poor woman for instance – they raised her hopes up and bashed them right back down again. Poor girl…
#Brokeback2 was all made up..its not happening?And I got so excited for a good quality movie with a lesbian storyline..?? People are so mean
— Eden Singer (@edensinger) August 22, 2016
The Portly Gazelle claimed there had been a press conference with production company River Road Entertainment where both actresses were present and said:
[They] were both beaming with excitement at infusing their own touch on the threefold Oscar winner flick.
The made-up quotes from the actresses were particularly amusing. The website stated:
When asked what they were expecting from some of the more raunchy girl-on-girl scenes that are inevitable, they didn’t seem to have any qualms.
“Us both being straight won’t be a problem, we’re actors, it’s just something we have to do”.
As always, the sceptics of Twitter brought everyone crashing back down to the sad reality of this prank…
Sorry but #brokeback2 cannot be real in the slightest. That would just be 90% of the populations wet dream.
— Karrise Willetts (@kapeeech) August 22, 2016
Keep calm and read the disclaimer #Brokeback2 ??
— Farah Harith (@farahharith) August 22, 2016
Instead of #brokeback2 (which is fake btw) how about a lesbian film where their lives don't get ruined and they don't cheat on their spouses
— DEAD ACCOUNT (@annermation) August 22, 2016
This girl’s obviously been trolled before…
Is #brokeback2 actually going to be a thing or??? The Internet needs to stop making me excited over things that might not happen
— cait ?️? (@chylereguii) August 23, 2016
Even though this was just a joke, we kind of now hope that some eccentric Hollywood producer responds to the hype and pours a load of cash into actually making this happen.