Reporter Sees Funny Side After Losing Bikini Top On Live TV


A Chilean TV reporter fell victim to an embarrassing wardrobe malfunction earlier this week when her bikini top fell off during a live broadcast.

Presenter Bernardita Middleton was in the coastal town of Reñaca in the north of the country when the studio anchors dared her to take a dip in the famously chilly Pacific waters.

According to the Mirror, Bernardita, who presents Good Morning Everyone, said:

In truth I wasn’t going to go in the water, the bandeau bikini was a recent present, but I didn’t attach the straps to keep it in place because I had them on my top. Then they asked me to jump in the water, so I went for it.

In the video, the presenter strips down to her bikini on the windswept beach and dives head first into the chilly – not to mention choppy – waters. As she stands up a wave crashes into her taking down her bikini top, forcing her to quickly rearrange.


Bernardita took the whole thing in very good spirits, laughing it off saying:

In Renaca the waves are very mischievous and it always happens. You just have to turn around pull up your bikini top and get on with it. A few surfers managed to get a good look but the camera didn’t see anything and anyway what are they going to see if I don’t have anything there to show! It was a fun situation.

Spoken like a true professional. Like they say, in live TV you should never work with animals, kids or bikinis. Or something…