Sesame Street is introducing a new female character to the show in Afghanistan and it has sent Daily Mail readers into meltdown.
Zari is a six-year-old Afghan female who producers hope will teach young viewers about the empowerment of women.
As reported by the Mail, Zari features in segments about health, exercise and well-being, plus she will interview a doctor to find out what she needs to do in order to become one.
Sesame Workshop’s executive vice president of global impact and philanthropy, Sherrie Westin, told Reuters it is ‘so powerful that the first Afghan Muppet is a girl.’
She added:
The exciting part about Zari is that she is modeling for young girls that it is wonderful to go to school and that it’s OK to dream about having a career.
Part of the power of the broadcast and Zari’s potential as a role model is to reach children and parents where they may not have access to other educational content.
Zari’s addition has proved a little too much for the Mail’s readers, however.
Shock horror – some ‘readers’ didn’t actually bother reading the story at all…or even looking at the pictures properly.
And it got worse…
First Thomas the Tank Engine and now Sesame Street – is nothing sacred!?!?