SNL Mock Trump’s Border Wall National Emergency, He’s Not Impressed

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Another episode of NBC’s Saturday Night Live, another aim at President Donald Trump.


This time they mocked the POTUS over his declaration of a national emergency, all due to funding for his long-sought wall along the US-Mexico border.


Actor Alec Baldwin, in his usual Trump-esque get-up, closely mirrored Trump’s comments, which he delivered in the White House Rose Garden two days ago – although you might not have seen if you were watching on CBS as they cut him off after 20 minutes.


Baldwin proceeded to imitate Trump, using one of his main talking points for promoting the wall, echoing the president by stating:

Walls work 100 per cent of the time.

We have a tremendous amount of drugs flowing into the country from the southern border, or the brown line as many people have asked me not to call it.

That’s why we need wall. Because wall works. Wall makes safe.

You can check it out in all its glory in the video below:

The sketch has obviously hit a nerve with the POTUS though, as he’s taken to Twitter – as he so often does – to hit back at the show, as well as the station.

He tweeted:


Nothing funny about tired Saturday Night Live on Fake News NBC! Question is, how do the Networks get away with these total Republican hit jobs without retribution?

Likewise for many other shows? Very unfair and should be looked into. This is the real Collusion!

Ok Donald – whatever you say.

However, with Trump reacting to the sketch, many have used it as an opportunity to mock him for being wound up over ‘humorous satire’.


One person tweeted:


Whoa. Saturday Night Live is humorous satire. Trump’s personal anger against freedom of speech and dissent in our country is reminiscent to North Korea’s Kim Jong Un and Russia’s Putin.

Trump is becoming increasingly unhinged. This is very concerning.

While another added:

Alec Baldwin’s Trump comes off as smarter and more likeable than the actual trump.

Let’s be honest though, if you can’t laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at?


Also, Baldwin’s been doing his Trump impressions for quite a while now, so it’s weird the POTUS has only started responding now. Definitely hit a nerve!

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