The Conjuring Haunted House Documentary Crew Saw ‘Very Disturbing Things’

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Warner Bros./Corey Heinzen/Facebook

A documentary crew have revealed they saw ‘disturbing things’ while they were exploring the house that inspired The Conjuring.


Simply watching the scary film from the safety of a sofa is terrifying enough for most people, but the crew of Ghost Adventures decided to go and explore the real life, supposedly haunted house for themselves.

The Perron family, who lived in the Harrisville Farmhouse in the 1970s, said they experienced strange things in the home, from items going missing or being moved, strange noises and small piles of dirt in the centre of a newly-cleaned kitchen floor, to ghosts appearing in the house.


After doing some research into the supernatural events, one of the family members, Carolyn Perron, learned eight generations of another family had lived in the house prior to the Perrons and that many of them had died under mysterious or horrible circumstances, the Occult Museum reports.


So, naturally, the Ghost Adventures crew couldn’t wait to go and visit. They were given the opportunity to explore the house after it was sold to someone who Jeff Belanger, the show’s researcher, happened to know – and they filmed their experiences for a documentary which is set to air on the spookiest of nights, October 31.

The creators have previously said they documented ‘incredible occurrences’ during their visits, but one of the leading members of the team, Zak Bagans, has since spoken in greater detail about what they found at the farmhouse.

In an interview with TV Guide, Bagans said he was ‘beyond excited’ to get to the house but he soon got nervous because ‘sh*t got real serious, real quick’.


He spoke about how the house’s new occupants have been frightened by things they’ve seen there, saying:

When I spoke to the son, what he saw in that house – and they’ve only been in there for a month –  but he even used the word traumatized. It traumatized them.

It caused him to leave the house for three weeks… And then I started matching that what they were seeing is the same exact materialization that the Perrons were also seeing back in ’73.

The Ghost Adventures team were reportedly joined during their investigation by Andrea Perron, one of the family members who lived in the home in the 1970s.


Bagans went on to describe his own experiences at the Harrisville home, saying this particular investigation took a real toll on him.

Warner Bros.

He explained:

It took me a few weeks to get over this, and that usually doesn’t happen. That’s very rare for me; at most it usually takes two or three days.

One of my investigators, Aaron, wanted to end the investigation [prematurely] because he knew that we were very vulnerable to attachments, and he was correct.

So it was one investigation that I will never ever forget… We witnessed some remarkable things, and we witnessed some very disturbing things.

If you’re looking for a way to make Halloween night more scary, this documentary definitely sounds like it will do the trick (or treat)!


Ghost Adventures: Curse of the Harrisville Farmhouse will air in the US on October 31.

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