Theory Explains How Every ‘Black Mirror’ Episode Is Connected

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An intriguing theory has been doing the rounds about Charlie Brooker’s brilliantly disturbing, awesomely twisted creation, Black Mirror. 

While Brooker himself claims the episodes aren’t all connected, some eagle eyed viewers have spotted a number of clues that make it look pretty likely they all take place in the same reality, reports The Hook.

A fair few easter eggs and connections linking back to other episodes have been spotted across the three seasons, and – although there’s probably a few more out there – these are some of the biggest…

Prime Minister Michael Callow

Channel 4

How can anyone forget the fate of our beloved PM – no not Dave, although the coincidence is too spooky…


Callow was the protagonist in ‘iconic’ episode, The National Anthem, when he was forced to have sex with a pig live on TV in order to save Princess Susannah from a kidnapper.

In the later episode Shut Up And Dance, one of the disgraced journalists is looking at a website where – if you look closely – you’ll see a reference to the disintegration of Callow’s marriage.

Channel 4

It doesn’t end there – in recent episode Nosedive, one of his tweets can be seen on Lacie’s feed. It says ‘Just got thrown out of the zoo. Again!’ Nice.

Channel 4

The Tillsdale fire enquiry

Channel 4

This event has been referenced in two different episodes – both when news reports have been featured.

Channel 4

It appears on the news ticker going across the bottom of the screen in both The National Anthem and The Waldo Moment – although we haven’t found out what the Tillsdale fire was yet…

Repeat references

Channel 4

The game show – featured in 15 Million Merits where Jessica Brown Findlay entered a talent contest to escape the grim, advert riddled, dystopian future – crops up in other episodes too.

Channel 4

It features on the same news website that talked about Prime Minister Callow earlier, and you can also catch a glimpse of Findlay’s image on a billboard in the episode The Waldo Moment.

Channel 4

In the same newspaper there’s also a reference to the trial of Victoria Skillane  – the woman whose punishment for her role in a crime is to relive constant torment in the episode White Bear.

Channel 4

On top of all this, the TV news channel UKN features in almost every episode and several episodes all feature the song used by Jessica Brown Findlay in 15 Million MeritsAnyone who knows what love is by Irma Thomas.

