This Epic Jon Snow Mash-Up Will Fill The Game Of Thrones Shaped Void In Your Life


Season Six Game of Thrones Spoilers!

Season Six of Game of Thrones may have been tough on poor Jon Snow but let’s not forget his whole life’s been pretty difficult.

The YouTube channel TheGaroStudios remembers though, much like the North, and they’ve put together a pretty emotional montage of poor Jon’s troubled life.


Looking back it’s strange to think how far Jon’s come, he’s gone from being a bastard on the sidelines of his ‘blood’ family to the King of the North, beloved by his people, and one of the world’s few hopes against the White Walkers.

Not only that but as the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark he’s the heir to the Iron Throne and the Seven Kingdoms, also interestingly this means he’s ‘born of ice and fire’.


As in ‘A Song of Ice and Fire‘ making it likely that Jon is the ‘hero’ of this story or at least as heroic as you can be in the painfully brutal world of Westeros.

Game of Thrones will be back next year and we can’t wait because winter is finally here!