Usually I don’t buy into the lookalike gig. Frankly, with so many billions of people in the world, of course some of us are going to have similarities.
As someone who has an incredibly generic face that everyone seems to recgonise, it bores me when media outlets insist they’ve found the doppelganger of a new popular celebrity everyday.
But today, my friends, I can proudly announce – with a certain degree of humility regarding my cynical views on lookalikes – that Hermione Granger’s twin has actually been revealed.
Step aside, Emma Watson… There’s a new Granger in town.
Meet Megan Flockhart, 24, from Glasgow.
Although her Steve Jobs impression is on point, her Hermione Granger is absolutely uncanny.
Megan realised she looked similar to Hermione when she dressed up as the young witch for a Halloween party last year and has since received really positive feedback online.
She said:
In the past year the comments have become almost daily in person and online. The reaction has been amazing! I started with Hermione as I had the costume at Halloween a year before.
Dare you to spot the difference between Emma Watson’s Hermione and Megan’s cosplay homage.
Clearly, Megan is a huge Hermione Granger fan – they do say you fall in love with people you look like, after all.
Megan captioned one of her Instagram posts:
Through Hermione I have learned the importance of embracing who I am, taking education seriously, standing up for what I believe in and just being a general brave and strong person.
But the 24-year-old hasn’t let the lookalike lifestyle go to here head.
She told the Mirror:
As much as I’d love to believe I am her doppelganger, as she’s gorgeous and an idol of mine, I am myself at the end of the day. But I have similar traits to my idol and that’s awesome.
She has been a Potter devotee from the age of ten and even writes a blog which features Harry Potter posts.
This lady is one lucky Potterhead, being graced with her pretty Emma Watson-esque features.
Not sure she’s got Maggie Smith as McGonagall quite right yet, but that might be more of a compliment than an insult.
They do say you morph into your idols, absorbing their style.
Certainly, since Megan changed her hair colour, she is the spitting image of Emma Watson.
But it’s not just Harry Potter’s erudite female sidekick that Megan channels in her cosplaying.
She also takes inspiration from Disney characters.
She said of her burgeoning cosplay talent:
I want to go to as many Comic Cons as possible. I want to meet fellow cosplayers and possibly do meet ups and collaborations. I want to have as much fun as possible and see where it will take me.
Meanwhile, this image, of Hermione in her muggle clothing drinking out of Disney Princess, Belle’s chipped teacup, breaks down the boundaries between movie worlds and I don’t know which way is up anymore.
This photo – a mash up of two of the biggest movie franchises in history – actually blew my mind, and not just because the Chewie is alarmingly lifelike.
With all this jumping between worlds, my brain has jumped to the one obvious conclusion: That Megan is really the witch Hermione and J.K. Rowling is a modern-day prophet.
I eagerly await my Hogwarts acceptance letter in the post.

A former emo kid who talks too much about 8Chan meme culture, the Kardashian Klan, and how her smartphone is probably killing her. Francesca is a Cardiff University Journalism Masters grad who has done words for BBC, ELLE, The Debrief, DAZED, an art magazine you’ve never heard of and a feminist zine which never went to print.