Have you ever dreamt of looking like Ariel from The Little Mermaid? Nope. Me neither. But some people with a fuck-ton of time on their hands did and used their artistic might to become just that.
This incredible new makeup trend, following on from last weeks surrealist quadruple eye trend, is taking social media by storm after a Russian makeup artist shared her Ariel infused picture first, reports the Daily Mail.

The image and style was then picked up and copied by thousands of people across the globe sharing their pictures on Instagram and Twitter along with the hashtag #mermaidmakeup.
Apparently the trend has almost amassed over 25,000 snaps demonstrating the thousands of different ways to achieve that underwater beauty.

Using powders, paints, and stencils, the makeup enthusiasts went to great lengths to replicate Ariel’s look – with some even painting their entire bodies.
One woman took things perhaps a bit too far, opting for the deep sea angler fish look rather than the cliche beautiful mermaid – but hey ho, do as you wish. It’s impressive anyhow.

Whatever floats your boat I guess…