Warning: Spoilers Lurk Ahead Like Wights Beyond The Wall

The most recent episode of Game of Thrones gave us plenty of fantastic moments but the best was certainly Tormund and The Hound getting to know each other.
It may be a love-hate relationship at times, I mean The Hound has told Tormund to ‘fuck off’ plenty of times, but the two are forming a bromance.
Fans have fallen in love with the duo and now a behind-the-scenes video will make you adore them even more.
Kristofer Hivju, who plays Tormund, has shared a video on his Instagram of Rory McCann, who plays The Hound, singing the traditional folk song ‘Yellow Bird’.
The caption that accompanies the video, ‘when you’ve had too much trailer time’, really sums up the craziness you should expect.
McCann wildly strums a guitar and sings the chirpy folk song while Hivju randomly just pops up every now and again humming quite the backing track.
The whole video is filled with joy, quite unlike the show, and it will brighten anyone’s day.
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The Game of Thrones season seven finale airs Sunday at 2AM in the UK and 9PM in the US.