Watch Hilarious Game Of Thrones Season Six Blooper Reel

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If like us you’re still craving more Game of Thrones goodness after the incredible season six finale then we’ve got the video for you.


It seems that as glum a place as the world of Westeros is, the cast don’t let it get them down, laughing and joking through a hilarious blooper reel.

A particular highlight is the venerable Peter Dinklage failing to say the word ‘benevolent’ in a monologue to Varys, much to the amusement of Greyworm and Missandei.

That’s not to say that the rest of the cast don’t get in on the fun and it seems being dead didn’t stop Kit Harington having a giggle during his resurrection.


If laughing along with the cast doesn’t wet your Westerosi whistle then why not watch the first teaser for Game of Thrones season seven which dropped just last night.