How many people across the world spent 3am this morning hurling doner meat down their gullet, or funneling an extra large bacon double cheese burger into their gut? I know I did…
But what shouldn’t you be ordering from your local fast food joint? Turns out the fabulous folk at Reddit have done that job for us.
A few days ago, Reddit user, enantiodromia, posted the question ‘Fast food workers – what should we never order from you‘, and the thread spread like wildfire.
Out of the 16,000 comments posted so far, we’ve chosen just a select few of our personal favourites so you know exactly what not to order when you’re looking for something to satisfy your hunger/hangover.
Lets start with the downright grim:

Then there’s the lies:

Some were just pretty blunt:

Whereas others likely mean there’s now a lot of pissed off vegans out there:

There were a couple of rhymes:

And there was the salad reality:

But my own personal favourite has to be:

One extra large McGangbang meal, please…