Fried Chicken Shop Closes After Human Poo Found Smeared On Walls


A chicken shop has had to be shut down for the ‘worst hygiene violations’ because it was covered in human and animal poo.


Not only that, the inspectors also found raw sewage running through the restaurant, raw chicken juices on the work surfaces and shit splattered all over the loo, the Mirror reports.

Rodents were found running rampant, nibbling on crisps, and mouse droppings were spotted on food preparation equipment, behind the freezers and on top of pizza dough.


The owners of Tasty Chicken ‘n’ Pizza in Walthamstow, north London, were slapped with a Hygiene Emergency Prohibition Order and forced to shut up shop.

Waltham Forest councillor Clyde Loakes said:

This is certainly the worst I’ve seen in years and years.

We have had closed it down and there are some serious conversations to be had with the proprietors – it really is pretty disgusting.

How on Earth does anyone think they should serve food in these conditions? They are simply in the wrong business.


As filthy as it is we can’t help but wonder… did the food taste any good?