Irn-Bru Has Officially Stopped Production Of Its Original Recipe

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This article has contemporaneously been re-shared. To confirm, the recipe change was in January 2018 and headlines being shared on social media purporting Irn-Bru has stopped production entirely are false. They simply changed the original recipe to comply with new laws.

Its official. Irn-Bru has ceased production and nothing feels right or real anymore.

A.G. Barr big cheeses have announced the full sugar version of the beloved fizzy drink will now no longer be produced.

The Scottish favourite will instead be replaced with a brand new recipe which is said to contain sweeteners.

This mysterious new brew is currently being cooked up at factories and can be found in shops later this month.

This change has been introduced due to the UK government’s impending soft drinks levy, which will be actioned this coming April.


Fans are now dashing to stores to stock up on the sweet orangey nectar before it is gone forever.

The amount of sugar per can in the new brew will be slashed dramatically from 8.5 teaspoons to four, with the calorie count dropping from 140 to around 65.

However, its far too early in the grieving process for many fans to consider the potential health benefits.

There has even been campaigns against this unwelcome change. The Save Real Irn-Bru campaign has gained a passionate following, with over 41,887 signatures on its page.

According to the page:

I understand that soft drink manufacturers are coming under mounting pressure from government to lower the sugar content of their drinks and that they intend on introducing a “sugar tax” that would apply to the sales of sugary drinks […]

I would far rather pay more for a bottle than have an altered recipe version.

Although we are being made more aware of the health effects of too much sugar in our diet it also has to be said that Aspartame has often been the subject of studies and intense debate

[Aspartame] is believed, by some researchers and activists, to have links to a multitude of ailments including cancer,seizures,headaches,depression, ADHD,weight gain and birth defects.

The announcement from A.G. Barr said:

We know a lot of people are concerned right now about the changes to IRN-BRU. We understand. But we want to reassure you of a few things.

1. IRN-BRU will still be made with the same secret flavour essence as its always been. So it’ll still have its unique taste. This isn’t changing and never will.
2. IRN-BRU will still be a sugary drink. We’re reducing the sugar, not losing it altogether. There will still be around 4 teaspoons of sugar in each can.
3. We’ve done a shed-load of taste tests on this. In these tests, 9 out of 10 people said we’ve got an excellent or good taste match.

We know we won’t convince everyone right now. But when you try it, we hope you’ll agree it still tastes amazing.

However, some serious Irn-Bru heads have yet to be convinced by such reassurances.


Once fan declared:

No, I’d rather help you change your mind by giving you feedback a) here and b) through no longer purchasing it. But let me know when you change it back! Thanks.

Another made the following bold claim:

I tried a number of the flavours in taste tests and my comments were that none matches current, each tastes artificial, and lacked the ability to cure a hangover properly.. like @LucozadeEnergy after their change.. did their sales suffer?

Will hardcore fans feel relieved once they taste the new recipe, or will they simply be fizzing with rage?