New Study Reveals The Average Brit Thinks More About Food Than Sex

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A new study has revealed British people think more about food than they do about sex, TV and football.


Yup, it appears more British people would rather indulge in a bacon sandwich than binge a series on Netflix, worry about whether their team is qualifying for Champions League or, in this case, release some sexual tension.

So when someone says something like ‘British people? they’re prudes when it comes to matters about sex’ you can tell them it’s not the case, they’re just thinking about food half the time.


The revelation comes after a new study was published, which explores our relationship with food and snacking. It suggests one in four Brits would rather placate to their hunger each day than finish their tasks at work. A further 37 per cent who took part in the study admitted food would cross their mind more often than sex, though this is truer of men than women.

The study, which was carried out by Johnson & Johnson, found one in two women dedicate more time to thinking about their next meal than their sexual desires, while only one in four men can say the same.

Mike Lynch, the Global Director of Oral Care Scientific Engagement at Johnson & Johnson, stated:

This snacking trend is taking its toll on our oral health. Whether this be from healthy or unhealthy foods, bacteria in your mouth use the sugar to create acid that leads to erosion of tooth enamel, leaving teeth weak and vulnerable.

It’s clear adults are concerned as 41 per cent worry that what they are eating affects their teeth, and 16 per cent of adults have had more than one dental issue as a result of their diet. If these habits continue, it could be very bad news for our mouths.

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Johnson & Johnson’s study went on to discover the average British person would have food on their mind for one hour and 39 minutes on a normal day. This is most likely to occur during the so-called ‘snacking hour’. Research claims this usually occurs between 10 and 11 AM, where we are most prone to giving into our snacking habits.


Further research indicates one in five Brits would go so far as to label their love of food and cooking as one of their key interests in life, which explains a lot of Tinder bios these days.

When it comes to snacking, one in five has a secret stash drawer dedicated to snacks which they turn to when they are feeling bored. An additional 18 per cent say they snack purely out of habit as if it’s a countdown to their next big meal of the day.

According to the study, dinner is the meal we dedicate most of our brain power to, this is followed by lunch and breakfast. Dinner is also the meal where 63 per cent of diners believe they consume the majority of their daily calorie intake.


However, as much as we love consuming food only one in seven believe they get their five portions of fruit and veg a day in their snacks and meals, while the average Brit eats as little as four pieces of fruit a week.

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