Pizza Hut To Start Making Vegan Pizza

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Good news for vegans as Pizza Hut announces plans to introduce dairy-free cheese onto their menu.

It’s not quite as big a leap as every single person on the planet quitting meat and dairy, but it’s a step in the right direction (if you hate bacon sarnies).


The move comes after rivals Pizza Express kick-started their own vegan-friendly cheese over the summer.


While vegan pizzas continue to spread far and wide, Domino’s fall short – not even offering a vegan base in their branches.

How will Pizza Hut do it? By using VioLife, the same thing used to make a dairy-free halloumi replica.


There is however, one downside. According to the Metro, Pizza Hut will only be trialing the vegan pizzas between 2 October and 26 November 2017 in just five outlets in Sussex and Kent.

Why? Because there’s no demand for vegan pizzas because they’re objectively terrible.


Just kidding! We’ll have to see how it goes. Hopefully well. No pizza lover should be left behind.