These Are The 10 Most Loved And Hated British Foods

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News has emerged that Marmite is no longer the food that Britain both loves and hates with fervour, it is in fact curry.


With that startling news it is probably time for a rundown of the nation’s top ten food loves and hates.

Based on a BBC Good Food survey, Marmite’s love-hate reputation is way off. The 5000 person survey placed the spread at seventh in the hated list, but only 74th in the most loved.


Well if that doesn’t flip your world upside down I don’t know what will. Here is the actual list of Britain’s most enjoyed and detested foodstuffs.


Most loved


1) Chicken.
2) Pasta.
3) Cheese.
4) Pizza.
5) Curry.
6) Chocolate.
7) Bread.
8) Fish.
9) Potatoes.
10) Steak.

Most hated


1) Liver.
2) Fish.
3) Brussels sprouts.
4) Curry.
5) Mushrooms.
6) Pasta.
7) Marmite.
8) Tripe.
9) Celery.
10) Offal.

There’s some intriguing crossover, but how do offal and tripe not trump curry in the hated list? Who were these people? I demand a recount.