This Is How Much Exercise It Takes To Burn Off A McDonald’s

Super Size Me/The Con

If you like to treat yourself to a McDonald’s on a regular basis you may want to look away now.

Thanks to calorie counting website Home Remedy Shop, you can now calculate just how much exercise you need to do to burn off a single McDonald’s meal.

You just have to enter your weight and meal, but if you’re hoping that large Big Mac will be defeated by jogging for half an hour, you are sorely mistaken.

These figures are based on the reported average weights of American men and women:

Home Remedy shop
Home Remedy shop

Well that’s upsetting…

The site offers the complete menu to many fast food chains, so you can combine options to your heart’s content.

But Happy Meals and Diet Coke are the way forward it seems…

Home Remedy shop

Well, the simple answer is to eat what the fuck you want but follow it up with the appropriate level of exercise, I guess.