Wetherspoons Are ‘Secretly’ Scrapping Their Sunday Roast Dinners

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Prepare yourselves guys, Wetherspoons have some very bad news for us.


The popular pub chain has decided to stop offering traditional roast dinners on a Sunday.


Yeah you heard us right, no more Sunday club and it’s all our fault apparently. These meals just aren’t selling enough anymore, with people opting for burgers and burritos instead (who can blame them really).


The budget boozer’s decision to axe our beloved roast dinners is thought to do with the revamp that the company is currently going through.

For those of who were feeling hungover and pretty miserable after a heavy Saturday night, it almost became ritual to get a cheeky £7 Sunday roast (with an alcoholic bevvie thrown in, of course).


But these days are now numbered as it’s said they are focusing more on its main menu. They also announced that a new menu will be ‘coming soon’ according to their official Twitter account.

A spokesman for Wetherspoons told The Sun that it was ‘just one of those things’ , adding: “There will be a lot of disappointed people and we apologise for that. But sometimes you have to make a commercial decision.”


To make matters worse, other themed nights could also be under threat, including Fish Friday, Mexican Monday and Wing It Wednesday, which have all disappeared off the website.


These are dark times indeed.