Batman: Arkham Developer Rocksteady Won’t Be At E3 This Year

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What the hell is Rocksteady Games working on? Since releasing Batman: Arkham Knight in 2015, we haven’t heard a peep from the UK-based developer. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like we’ll be getting an update any time soon. 

Rocksteady director and co-founder Sefton Hill took to Twitter to confirm that the studio “won’t be showing at E3 this year”, dashing hopes that we’d finally get an update on what exactly the studio has been doing for the last four years.

This marks the fifth year in a row that Rocksteady has decided to stay at home to work on its project instead of show it off at E3, suggesting that whatever the studio does have up its sleeves is going to big.


In lieu of any actual updates, there’s been rampant speculation regarding Rocksteady’s mystery project over the last few years. It was previously thought to be a Superman title set in the Arkham universe before Rocksteady shot that down.

After the Superman theory died a death, reports began to surface that the studio is working on a Justice League game, which would see the likes of Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman as playable characters in an open world.

A supposed leak posted to Reddit last year claimed the game was called Justice League: Crisis, and would feature multiplayer co-op, and multiple sandbox style cities from the DC universe to explore, including Gotham and Metropolis. That certainly sounds ambitious enough that Rocksteady would need half a decade to work on it in secret before it was ready to show off.

Some are convinced that Rocksteady is working on another Batman game, but I reckon that’s a lot less likely. The studio were pretty open about Arkham Knight being the last chapter in its excellent Dark Knight saga around the time it released.


Besides that, it sounds as if Arkham Origins developer Warner Bros Montreal is currently at work on a Batman game that features the villainous Court of Owls. If true, Warner Bros would have its Bat-quota sorted for the foreseeable.


While nothing Batman related has been confirmed to be in development since Arkham Knight, the hero’s enduring popularity means there’s no chance Warner Bros doesn’t have some kind of video game outing for him in the pipeline.


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