Battlefield 1 Beta Feedback Leads To Key Gameplay Changes


DICE has addressed plans to tweak Battlefield 1, based on fan feedback from the recent open beta, and there are some big changes on the way.


The news came via a blog post written by lead world designer Daniel Berlin, who confirmed that while it’s important for the team to try new things, what the fans think of the WWI shooter is equally as important.

One key change involves scoring in Conquest mode. Conquest would traditionally see teams compete to exhaust the other team’s supply of tickets by holding more capture points and killing enemies.


However, in Battlefield 1, teams would gain points only by capturing and holding points, with the goal (obviously) to end up with more than the other team.

Berlin confirmed that’s now changing:

The next time you play the game, capturing the objectives AND getting kills will both contribute towards the final score of a Conquest match. You have spoken, we have listened!


Changes to Rush were also discussed, but in much vaguer terms:

We have also been monitoring and listening to your comments in regards to the Rush game mode. It’s super exciting for us to bring back Rush for Battlefield 1, and we are aiming to make it the best Rush experience to date. We are making tweaks to the game mode as we speak with your feedback as the backbone to the entire process.

Finally, Berlin also talked about bringing general balance to the multiplayer experience, singling out the light tank and horse especially as vehicles that might be a little too good right now.


Currently, DICE is looking into a ‘gadget for the Support class which should help neutralize powerful vehicles’, as well as some other tools to help deal with vehicles.

Battlefield 1’s launch is fast approaching. It’ll be coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on October 21.