Check Out The PlayStation Store Summer Sale’s Best Deals

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A quick glance out of the window might not suggest it, but it is definitely Summer (I think) – and that means it’s time for a PlayStation Store sale. 

Okay, so a good deal of these prices are now probably on par with the prices you’d be charged to pick up a physical copy, but the act of going out to pick up a game with your own two hands seems exhausting when you can just press a button and download it.


That’s what Summer’s all about, right guys? Let’s take a look at some deals.

For any adventurers out there, The sublime Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is now £20, while Bloodborne has been reduced to the same price for anyone who fancies a deeply challenging (and disturbing) experience.

The Walking Dead: Michonne has been hacked down to £5.79, or you can catch up with the complete first season of Telltale’s awesome adventure for £7.99.


Other notable deals include Fallout 4 and Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection, and Until Dawn for £30.

You can check out all the deals over here. The sale kicks off today (July 29), but be warned that the discounts last varying lengths for some reason.


Some expire on August 10, some August 17 and some August 24. You can find a list of which games expire when over here.

Now, go download some awesome games and we can all really get to enjoying this lack of sunshine together.