Cyberpunk 2077 Will Offer More Replayability Than The Witcher 3

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CD Projekt

It’s no secret that The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is a ridiculously massive game – most people who’ve played CD Projekt RED’s masterful action RPG can attest to having sunk at least 100 hours across a few playthroughs, because there’s just so damn much to see. 

With that in mind, I think we’re all expecting similar levels of vastness from the Polish developer’s next title – a little-known sci-fi RPG called Cyberpunk 2077. You probably haven’t heard of it. Nobody ever talks about it, after all.

Whether it’s fair or not to place so many expectations on Cyberpunk 2077 because of our love of The Witcher 3 is debatable, but it turns out that the 2020 game will likely be just as – if not more – massive than The Witcher 3, at least in terms of replayability.


That’s according to Senior Level Designer Miles Tost, who sat down with UNILAD during E3 2019 to talk all things Cyberpunk 2077. Tost touched on the level of endgame content and impetus to play through the adventure again once the credits roll, and revealed we “won’t be disappointed.”

He explained:

I guess when it comes to scale of the overall game, that’s something I can more easily talk about. I don’t think fans will be disappointed. If you know The Witcher 3, we’re aiming for a long time that players can spend in our games. And I guess actually that the added variety, the way we allow you to build your characters and roleplay them adds a lot more replayability. The choices and consequences have never mattered more in our games before, it’s kind of our trademark – and we’re building on it, so the story is supposed to feel inherently like your own by the end.

It certainly makes sense that there’d be more room for multiple playthroughs in Cyberpunk 2077 than The Witcher 3, especially for those that really want to dive into the role-playing aspect of the game.

CD Projekt RED

After all, in The Witcher 3, you are Geralt of Rivia. That’s no bad thing, but there isn’t much room to put yourself in the character, as he’s already a fully fleshed out (and incredibly handsome) personality.


But in Cyberpunk 2077, you can be pretty much whoever you want to be, thanks to a massively robust skill tree and an incredibly detailed character customisation tool. One playthrough you could be a badass ninja hacker, the next you could be a T-600 style tank that rips open doors and pulls turrets apart with your bare hands.

CD Projekt

Holy crap, I cannot wait to play this game.  Roll on April 2020.


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