DOOM Higher Difficulty And Non Linear Exploration Confirmed


DOOM is on its way back from the depths of hell for a great looking reboot in 2016, and now we’ve got a few more details on, it including a higher level of difficulty and a healthy dose of exploration.


After Game Informer got a chance to go hands-on with the demon slaying FPS, id Software’s Executive Producer Martin Stratton revealed some cool new nuggets of info. Chief amongst them that the difficulty has been upped since the last gameplay videos, and that the team has really focused on delivering an awesome combat experience.


Stratton said:


If you come into DOOM to have amazing combat, then I really think people are going to enjoy themselves. We’ve spent so much time to try to get that right, to try to get the challenge of it right, the difficulty which has been ratcheted up since you’ve played.

We’ve actually dialed up the difficulty and we’ve seen as people played it that they wanted this. It’s an action shooter, so your roller coaster ride in this game is about how challenging those fights are. It’s super fun when you’re diving into these arenas and that’s challenging, you may get your ass kicked but come later with a different strategy.

His final comment is in reference to the non linear nature of the new DOOM (inspired in part by the originals), and the emphasis on players to explore the world around them. While the main priority is to get players to the next horde of monsters to fight against, there’s plenty to see, should they choose to seek it out.

There’s no release date for DOOM just yet, but it should be happening sometime this year. There’s also a beta on the way, and while we don’t know exactly when that’s landing either, we do know that anyone who pre-ordered Wolfenstein: The New Order will get first crack.