Final Fantasy XV Gets Mental New Story Trailer

By :
Square Enix

Final Fantasy
 fans will be well aware of the series’ tenancy to, shall we say, go over the top with storylines. Just in case you’d forgotten how mental the games can be, FFXV’s new story trailer is here to remind you.

The subtitled trailer was shown off at the Tokyo Games Show this week and gives us the low down on what’s going on. That is, if you can make head or tail of what’s going on. Take a look below.

In the trailer, we see protagonist Noctis and his pals as they hit revelation after revelation, being constantly surprised and shouting at each other/other people/ inanimate objects.


One thing we can all see for certain, is that the game is looking absolutely gorgeous, though you’d expect nothing less from the series at this point. Also, let’s all just take a minute to appreciate the friggin’ car that can friggin’ fly. Where they’re going, they don’t need roads.

Final Fantasy XV will be hitting shelves on November 29 after suffering a brief delay on its original release date of September 30.