GAME Charging People To Try PlayStation VR

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Push Square

Hey, you know how you’ve been wanting to play PlayStation VR but haven’t had a chance to? Well now you can pay actual real money to TRY – not buy – PlayStation VR in select GAME stores around the country. You lucky thing, you.


The controversial scheme is part of GAME’s promotion for the headset and allows you to pay £5 for 10 minutes, £10 for 20 minutes or £15 for 30 for the privilege of putting it on your head.

If you’ve already pre-ordered a PSVR – and can provide the relevant papers and ID – you can get 30 minutes absolutely free. Of course, you can’t just put the thing on and enjoy yourself, you’ve got to adhere to GAME’s strict rules.

These include, sitting down at all times, minimising erratic limb movements, stopping moving if staff place a hand on your shoulder and obviously you’re not allowed to touch the headset unless you’re told to. Money well spent eh?

Road to VR

If your bizarre, restricted time with kit somehow convinces you that you want to buy a PSVR, then the money you’ve just paid will be knocked off the overall price of the headset, but only if you decide to make the purchase there and then. It’s things like this that are driving gamers away from the high street when making their purchases – what an awful idea.