Germany Lifting Ban On Fallout 3 Hints At Possible Re-Release

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Germany have lifted a seven year long ban on Fallout 3, after a lengthy effort on Bethesda’s part to make it happen.  Naturally, this suggests something is in the works regarding Fallout 3 – Those teases at Bethesda have said they’ll be announcing what they’re up to “in a couple of weeks”.


Most are assuming that a re-release of some kind is on the cards. Whether it’s Fallout 3 HD, a backwards compatible version of the original, or something else entirely remains to be seen.

At any rate, Bethesda had “initiated a difficult and rarely-successful trial” with the Federal Department for Media Harmful to Minors (BPJM) to de-list Fallout 3 three years before its ten year ban expired.


The BPJM said in a statement:

In the case of Fallout 3 the request for de-listing was granted even though only seven years passed since the game was banned. The Big Council decided at its meeting on February 4th that Fallout 3 will be removed from the list because its content is no longer classified as harmful to minors from today’s perspective.

Fallout 3 was banned in Germany back in 2009 because of the levels of violence. Hopefully we’ll find out what this is all in aid of in the next few weeks then.