Gorgeous Cyberpunk Concept Art Revealed By CD Projekt RED

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CD Projekt RED

There was an awful lot of new information on Cyberpunk 2077 to come out of E3 2019, including a shiny new trailer, a release date, and the reveal that Keanu bloody Reeves himself has a starring role in the game.


We also discovered that the game will have vehicles, a diverse range of character customisation options, a vast skill tree for unique builds, and a big emphasis on replayability. It’s all too much, and I really can’t wait for April 16 2020 to roll around before I can play it.

If like me, you just can’t contain your excitement, why not tide yourself over with a selection of gorgeous concept art pieces created during the development of Cyberpunk 2077?  UK Head of Communications for CD Projekt RED Hollie Bennet took to Twitter to share a couple of the pieces she came across while visiting the studio, and they’re absolutely stunning.


The pieces (which you can see above if you somehow missed them) do a pretty incredible job of showing off the diversity and scope of the world of Cyberpunk 2077. We can see stylish gang members, corporate suits, and practical – if unglamorous – mechanics.

The official Cyberpunk 2077 Twitter later shared each piece of art individually and provided a little more detail on the “looks” that make up Night City, the neon metropolis where the game takes place; Entropism, Kitsch, Neomilitarism, and Neokitsch.

First, there’s “Entropism”, which is described as “the look of poverty that derives from humans grappling with and struggling against technology and its unforgiving advance.”

“Kitsch” is, unsurprisingly, a more retro inspired look apparently favoured by those who are struggling to let go of the past. As you can see, it’s very 80’s, and I dig it.


“Neomilitarism” is your standard evil sci-fi bad guy look. There’s a real vibe of The Empire from Star Wars going on with this one, and I imagine that’s kind of the point.

Finally, we have “Neokitsch”, which is basically for super rich people who want to be as extra as they can possibly afford to be. Note the pet leopard. I sincerely hope I can get a pet leopard in the game now.

There are two things I’m taking away from this concept art. The first is that CD Projekt RED put an incredible amount of work into these pieces and I love them for it. The second is that I will absolutely be rocking the Kitsch look in game until I have enough money to go Neokitsch. That dude’s jacket is legit.


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