Here’s How You Can Check If Pokémon GO Servers Are Down

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It’s official – Pokémon GO has taken over our lives and if we can’t get on the mobile game for any reason, we collectively lose our shit when our plans to catch ’em all are rudely interrupted.

Indeed, although the game is terribly addictive and a hell of a lot of fun, it’s also been plagued by bugs and other issues since it came into our lives.

As reported by WIRED, every time the game launches in a new region, the game has become unusable – it won’t load or it crashes while trying to catch Pokémon.

pikachu sad

Sometimes it’s difficult to tell, however, whether your own version of the game is playing up or if the servers as a whole are just down – like they were last weekend.

Fortunately, the Internet has once again come to our rescue and several websites have now been set up so we can check the status of the game before we head out on a quest to find that elusive Kabutops.

For instance, the very aptly named IsPokémonGoDownOrNot lets you know the recent server status, plus historical data of the game’s performance.

Another option is Pokémon Go Server Status which uses a traffic light colour scheme to show whether the server is online or not, or if it’s unstable, as well as the game’s performance over the last day, based on the reports of users around the world.

charizard angry

There’s also the Pokémon Go Outage Map, a giant map which highlights the areas where users are experiencing issues with the server.

Or, if you really just need a yes or no answer as to whether the game is online, CMMCD will provide what you need.

Ideally though, we’d just rather the game kept working and stopped breaking altogether. We just can’t cope without Pokémon GO in our lives anymore…