Keanu Reeves’ Johnny Silverhand And John Wick Now Playable In Metal Gear Solid V

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In what can only be described as one of the most excellent, breathtaking mods of all time, Keanu Reeves – AKA the human equivalent of that feeling you get when you climb into a freshly made bed after a long day – is now a playable character in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Keanu took E3 2019 by storm when he appeared onstage during the Microsoft conference to reveal that he’d be starring in Cyberpunk 2077 as the cybernetically-enhanced rocker Johnny Silverhand, but if you can’t wait until April 2020 to see him in action in CD Projekt RED’s title, modder JinMar has put him into the final Metal Gear Solid adventure.


The same mod also allows you to play through Kojima’s stealth action/adventure as one of Keanu’s most famous roles; John Wick. Sign me up.


You can download this wonderful mod and follow the installation instructions here, and before you know it you’ll be storming bases, stealing Soviet intelligence documents, and raining down fire on fools as Johnny Silverhand or John Wick.

In a stroke of luck, Metal Gear Solid V  already gave us a Big Boss with a metal arm, so the Silverhand skin is the better, more believable one, but John Wick still looks great. Sadly, the mod is aesthetic only, so don’t expect to hear your favourite Keanu quotes as you tear around Afghanistan.


Don’t think me greedy, but this mod now has me fantasizing over the possibility of seeing some of Keanu’s other roles brought to life in Metal Gear Sold V. Who wouldn’t want to play as Neo, or Ted Logan? Hopefully it’s only a matter of time before that becomes reality, while Cyberpunk 2077 mods that rework Johnny Silverhand into past Keanu roles are pretty much inevitable.


In other Keanu Reeves video game news, it turns out that the star’s involvement with Cyberpunk 2077 means a live-action movie adaptation of the tabletop RPG turned video game is now a much more likely prospect than it was before.


Cyberpunk creator Mike Pondsmith, revealed to VGC that while he can’t currently confirm or deny whether or not the movie rights for the franchise are being considered, “with Keanu Reeves being tied up in things, it’s become much more of a possibility.”

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