Leak Suggests Rocket League Will Be Coming To Xbox One Soon


Somebody really needs to have a word with these ratings websites, because they’ve given the game away a ton of times this year.

It’s looking increasingly likely that Playstation and PC favourite Rocket League is heading to the Xbox One thanks to a fresh leak from a Taiwanese ratings website, that gave the game a rating for Microsoft’s console.

This comes after news that game devs Psyonix promised Rocket league would be moving to more platforms, without outwardly saying it would be on Xbox One. They just implied it. Heavily.

There’s been a lot of talk of cross-play for the title, and while it’s pretty safe to say Playstation 4 and Xbox One won’t be holding hands, we could be seeing PC and Xbox buddying up soon.

Rocket League first shipped as a free title on Playstation 4 over the summer and shot to popularity. It’s unknown whether an Xbox One version would also be free on launch.