Leaked Resident Evil 7 Pre-Order Details Shed New Light On Game


resident-evil-7-new-4Images of the pre-order bonuses for Resident Evil 7, have leaked through Swedish retailer Disc Shop, shedding some new light on Capcom’s survival horror. 

Disc Shop’s Resident Evil 7 page boasts four different item sets under the banner of ‘Survival Pack’: the Recovery Set, Handgun Set, Burner Set, and Chem Fluid Set.

Nothing has been officially confirmed regarding these sets, though judging by the images (below) each pack seems to come with different items, such as ammo for the Handgun Set, and herbs for the Recovery Set.

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Granted, these are hardly the most exciting pre-order bonuses I’ve ever heard of, especially when ammo and health should be things we’ll (hopefully) find lying around on our journey.

Then again, considering Resident Evil 7 is said to be returning to the series’ roots, it could be that these vital survival tools are in punishingly short supply and these packs are for players who seek a little extra security.


Of course, there could be much more to these bonuses than currently meets the eye, so we’ll just have to wait and see.

Interestingly, each image also seems to contain a mysterious coin, the purpose of which is unclear for now.

There’s also fairly more substantial DLC in the form four short side stories, and an entirely new episode for the main game which comes with the Deluxe Edition.

Resident Evil 7 is coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC January 24, 2017.